Wednesday, April 21, 2010

All I need are shoes!

So I have recently taken up running. Not only because I was literally watching my ass grow, but because I wanted, no, NEEDED a challenge. Something that I could say "look what i have done!". So here I am. I have been running almost everyday for over a month, and I can easily punch out two miles comfortably! Never did I think this was possible. I have always assumed that such feats were for "the better" women out there. You know, the ones who have never had a giant ass, who always have the "perfect" marriage, and who only eat wheat and water because "its yummy". (I call BS on that)

I am hear to say for one, this woman does not exist, and two anyone can make a change in their life...just start off slow and work into it. Don't set goals you can't obtain, keep them small and add on as time progresses. I know I am not perfect, and have made many mistakes in my life, but thank God I was given a second chance (in some cases a third or fourth).

I will keep running. I have promised myself this. Even if i only make it to the end of my street that day, I WILL put on my running shoes and press my feet into the concrete. Yes, there will be days that I am sick, or PMS is pullsating so heavily through my veins that even my running shoes fear me, but I will keep my chin up. Because after all I have not lost I not still capable of running? Do I not still have functioning legs? I have lost nothing in this momentary break. All I need are shoes! (Well im sure the neighbors would appreciate some additional items as well)

My gift to you: Take it slow and work on forgiving yourself.


  1. Awesome that you're running and that you're writing. I am a fan of both, of course, but my running shoes no longer fear me. They nothing me: I am no longer a concern. Condescending, really is what they are. Frankly, I've had enough of it.

  2. Can I just say that I am abso-posi-lutely enjoying all this share-your-heart-through-writing stuff! Wow! I am in relational heaven!!! I love you Mist.

  3. I am really impressed with both your running endeavour and your account of life's journey's through this blog. =) I am inspired by the words you have already written and look forward to all of the other ones to come. Love you Misty-O!
